Saturday, January 16, 2021

Cookie' Up Creations - Out with the old

 This month at Cookin' Up Creations, we are focusing on Out with the Old and In with the New.

This is making me dig deep into the stash to find things I have been hoarding for a long time.

For this page, I wanted to use up some of these metal rimmed tags.  I have about 100 of them! 

I was working on a sketch that called for smaller circles and this is what I came up with:

Amazingly, I even had the right colors I needed!

For a second page I did, I used up some of these way old plastic slide mounts:

I never know what to do with them until I saw a page on Pinterest that used them as a base for smaller stickers.
This is yet another embellishment that I seem to have way too much of.

I'm loving this challenge!

My new Ikea cubes are coming on Monday, so clearing out old stash is perfect timing for when they get here.

Stop by Cookin' Up Creations to see what's popping up in the gallery.

Thanks for stopping by!

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