Monday, July 1, 2024

Time to Sparkle

 Hello July!!!   June did NOT end on a good at all for me in so many ways.  I am so glad to start a new month fresh, healthy and ready to go.

The best way to start out is knocking out TWO challenges:

My granddaughter - isn't she the CUTEST!!

I did this page using this fun sketch from the Scrappy Friends challenge with Rochelle:

I used up some older Doodle Bug papers and lots of miscellaneous stickers from the stash.

The 2nd part of this challenge is the Tic Tac Toe board from Scrappy Friends challenge - Scrap with Stacy:

I went across the middle using:
Red, white and blue
2 photos

I sure hope the rest of this month is just as productive!

Thanks for stopping by!!

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Happy Days are here Again

Trying to sneak in as much scrapping as I can this weekend.  Soooo many projects to get done and allergies are NOT helping at all!

Here is page I did using a song as inspiration - a challenge from Lasting Memories # 700:

These pics are part of our Disney trip.  
I am so close to being done with this trip!
I saw this colorful wall and thought it would make a really pretty page.

I used some older papers, die cut leaves and I punched out the flowers.

Off to see what else I can get done today!

Thanks for stopping by!!

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Hello Friend!

 Good morning!  It's going to be a FUN and BUSY day here celebrating NSD!  

I have been looking forward to this for the last couple of weeks and I am more than prepared - photos, adhesive, music and lots of free time.

I was so happy to be able to finish up this page before all the craziness started:

I dug through the stash to find just the right papers, made my own tag, used up some shiny bits and pieces that have been taking up space and added a title using some new Thickers I just bought.

Love the larger photo as I still have a few I want to finish up from the 2022 Disney trip.

I was also able to combine this page with Stacy's Scrappy Friends challenge - Tic Tac Toe:

I used Jewels, Washi and Polka Dots.

One more picture completed and I managed to do both challenges this month!

Time to get some coffee and get ready to scrap all day!

Thanks for stopping by!!

Monday, April 29, 2024

Frontier Fun

 So the plan this week was to keep my desk clean and organized in preparation for National Scrapbook Day.  

But I decided that there was still time to work on a page or two.

While I still had some scraps out from the last Disney page, I was able to use them to put this page together.
I added some hand cut tags and some Mickey color chip pieces and wooden Mickey heads

Time to get back to cleaning off my desk!

Thanks for stopping by!!

Saturday, April 27, 2024


Baby's first Easter and Grandma made sure to take LOTS of pictures!

Here is my baby granddaughter loving the camera and all the attention: 

I used an old kit I found at a resale shop.
I love this color combination.
The kit came with these fun acrylic flowers and leaves.
I added a few buttons.

Here is the sketch #697 from Lasting Memories that gave me the inspiration:

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Happy 50th!!

 Still chipping away at the 2022 Disney trip.
Happy to see these multi photo sketches!

Here is my take on sketch challenge #696 from Lasting Memories

I used some papers I printed from a digital kit.
The star stickers are from Dollar Tree, and the flowers are from the stash.

Here is the original sketch #696 from Lasting Memories:

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Movie Night

 I can't believe I still have so many pictures to work on for our 2022 Disney trip!  

I really need to cut back on getting them  But Disney is my favorite subject to work on, sooo...that won't happen!  lol

Here is my page for the sketch challenge from Rochelle Spears Scrappy Friends:

I used some scraps, chipboard film strip, lots of stickers and I used a small Mickey head punch to create my popcorn.

Here is the original sketch:

At least I got a few more Disney pics done!

Thanks for stopping by!

One Month

Good morning!  

I'm a little behind on posting some pages this month.  It's been really busy!

I've been working on getting things organized, cleaned and purged to get ready for National Scrapbook Day (weekend)!

I feel pretty good with my plans and I have tons of pictures printed, lots of adhesive and I am ready to go!

I did this page using the Tic Tac Toe challenge from Scrap With Stacy:


My daughter and her husband choose their favorite picture of the month for my new granddaughter and I have been stacking them as she just turned 8 months!

Here is the challenge board:

I used enamel dots, hearts (printed on the papers) and tag (s).

One down, 7 months to go!

Thanks for stopping by!!

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Disney's 50th

 I love that we were able to celebrate not only the 50th anniversary of Disney World, but a long time ago, we were also there for the 25th.  I need to find scrapbook pages from then to compare to my style now.  it ought to be interesting to see how styles, techniques and products have changed over the years.

This was made with all scraps.  I found the design on Pinterest, and believeme, this doesn't look anything like the original!
I could not figure out the correct measurements, so once I cut the big pieces, the rest were just pieced together bit b y bit with all leftover scraps.

The flowers were from Michael's - I just found them.
And this will probably be my last trip to Michael's as I think their prices have gotten outrageous.
Even having some of the stuff on sale did not entice me much.

I used a cutting die on gold papers to create the Mickey head pieces.
And the 50th title is chipboard, and I "heart" Disney piece is a wooden set.

I also added a bit of Nuvo Drops here and there.

Getting closer to finishing up this trip!

Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Flower and fun

 Good morning!  While I recover from strep and some sinus issues, I worked on some of my pictures from the Epcot Flower and Garden Festival in Disney.

I used a punch and my Coluzzle cutting system to make a few hexagons, and then for the added twist, I used a chicken wire stencil to create the hexagon background.  

Hopefully, I can knock out these sinuses issues, but in the meantime, I'm hoping to get the rest of the topiary pictures done!

Thanks for stopping by!!

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Saddle up for a Wild Ride


'Woohoo!!   Another successful day of scrapping those Disney pictures!  

I used up more old stash - rub ons, chipboard, sequins and some jute.
I loved that I was able to use up more scrap paper.
And I even dusted off the corrugator to use on some scraps.

This sketch from Rochelle Spears from the Scrappy Friends challenge this month was my inspiration:

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We Got Soaked!

 I am really going to miss the original Splash Mountain ride! 

Really sad to see the classics getting moved out to make room for the new,  but there is nothing wrong a little nostalgia.

This was for the new challenge at Lasting Memories - 
create a layout with at least 4 different squares, and for the twist add a square shaker box!

I spent a lot of time on this one, trying to make a shaker box.
I used to make them when they first came out, but it's been a while.
It took me a minute to remember how to do it.

I used a leaf die and some blue papers and came up with the splashes.
And adding a few sequins is never a bad idea.

Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, March 16, 2024

The Little Mermaid

 Good morning!  It's super early, the sun is out and I get to play at my desk for a bit today:

It took me a while to put this together, but I had fun!

I used this Tic Tac Toe board from Scrap with Stacy for some inspiration:

I used Gems, Circles and Ephemera for my win.

I few pieces of chipboard, Nuvo Drops, and a lot of older stickers finished this up for me.

Thanks for stopping by!!

Sunday, March 10, 2024

3 months

 It's hard to believe I just finished a page for my new granddaughter and I am already behind!  She will be turning 7 months next week!!

It's NOT hard to believe how many pictures I have taken that I plan on scrapping!

This is for challenge #691 at Lasting Memories:

I cut a large circle for behind the pictures
and used a circle punch for some polka dot and striped patterned papers.

For the added twist, I added some BIG buttons and few little Mickey shaped buttons.

Thanks for stopping by!!

Sunday, February 25, 2024


 Nothing better than spending a very late evening at Disney to see the castle lit up so magnificently!!

LOTS of goodies from the stash:
misting spray spatters
a puffy shaker Mickey head
and some Mickey gold pieces

I used some brads in the centers of my flowers for challenge #689 - from Lasting Memories Stick two or more items together by using fasteners: brads, ribbon, twine, staples, etc.

While I had every intention to use many more items, the page started to look too busy, so I gave up.
Which means, I just may have to try again!

Thanks for stopping by!!

Friday, February 16, 2024

Merry Christmas!

 I know, it's February, but I also know that not many of us are caught up on our Christmas

Here is a two page layout I made using a lot of pictures:

The tags were a box I found at Hobby Lobby a few years ago.
The title and the trees are sticker sets that have been around waaaaay too long.

I decided on this theme for challenge #687 from Lasting Memories.
We had to use the complementary colors from this chart:

Red and green were the perfect match.

And I now have all the Grinch pics done!

Thanks for stopping by!!

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Happy Valentine's Day!

 I hope everyone is having a wonderful day!

My work day is over and I am sooo glad to be home!

Here is a card and a layout that I made for this holiday and for the challenge from Lasting Memories - to create both using the same products:

I started out using lots of Bo Bunny stuff from a reallllly old collection.

While I had everything out on my desk, I put together this card:

I hope you all have a fun and loving day!!

Thanks for stopping by!!

Thursday, February 1, 2024


 I looked at what was left of our 2022 Disney vacation pictures and decided I need to either work on them and get them done, or purge some of them.  I decided to do both.

I used an older collection I bought on clearance at Hobby Lobby quite a few years ago.
I added some washi tape - that was swallowed by the
And I used some twine for the banner.

This week's challenge from Lasting Memories #686 was to use this sketch:

With the added twist to add washi tape to your page.
That's another thing I need to either use or purge.

I also used this page for the new Tic Tac Toe challenge from Scrapping with Stacy:

I went straight across the top:
1 word title
washi tape

And I got more Disney pictures scrapped!

Thanks for stopping by!!

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Happiness is...

Skipping around all over the place and since I had my Valentine's stuff all over my desk, I pulled these fun pictures from the box:

I used the sketch from Lasting Memories#685 challenge, with the added challenge to use some hearts.

Lots of random stuff from the stash - the stickers, the alphas, the Mickey heads, Nuvo Drops and some ric rac.

Thanks for stopping by!!

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Love You Forever

 Mid-week working!

I don't usually work on Valentine's Day pages but these pictures of my daughter in this gorgeous red dress at a dance with her boyfriend inspired me to use some stash I had.

I was also inspired to use challenge #684 from Lasting Memories which offered a new sketch and an added challenge to use some tags.

I made my tags from the patterned paper and added ribbon, twine and buttons.
The flowers are layered with buttons and twine.

And I bashed some stash!

Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, January 14, 2024


 It is currently -11 degrees outside!!  Needless to say, I will be hiding inside the warm house and working on some pages.   No reason or sale can entice me to leave my little bubble!

I started out by working on this page of my naughty kitties:

I just got this kit from Simple Stories delivered the other day.
I love all the bright colors.

All of the fun patterned papers were perfect (purrfect) for this week's sketch challenge at Lasting Memories with the added challenge of using 4 or more patterned papers:

Amazingly, Penny stayed off of my desk and let me finish this page without adding fur to my adhesive.

Thanks for stopping by!!

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Celebrating Grandma's Birthday!

 Yes!  My Mom's birthday is Christmas Day!  

Every year, after we finish our Christmas celebration, we wipe out all the Christmas papers, gifts and treats and turn it all into a birthday party!

These pictures are from last year.
Her favorite cake is cheesecake, so we always make sure she gets what she wants.

I used lots of scraps from the Christmas bin.
And I played Tic Tac Toe with Stacy and the Scrappy Friends challenge:

I went diagonally down the board:

Just a few more pictures to work on and I will finally be done with last year's Christmas!

Thanks for stopping by!!

Friday, January 5, 2024

Oh Boy! Our ride is here!

 I tend to keep just about every map, receipt, email, ticket and anything else related to our trips.

I like to make pocket pages and such to add all this information so we can compare pricing and other changes throughout the years.

Here is a pocket page I made using lots of confirmations and pricing research:

And here is the sketch I used from Rochelle's and Stacy's Scrappy Friend challenge:

I have to admit this collection from Photoplay is my favorite and I finally decided to use it and stop hoarding it

Thanks for stopping by!!

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

 Happy holidays!!  Happy New Year!!!  I have set my goals for the new year and I have everything crossed that I stick with it!

Here is one of the first pages I made this year:

I used a new kit from Miss Kate's Cuttables.
I added some tags, stickers and a few punched Mickey heads.

Time to organize my space so I can keep up the creativity!

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