Sunday, May 26, 2024

Happy Days are here Again

Trying to sneak in as much scrapping as I can this weekend.  Soooo many projects to get done and allergies are NOT helping at all!

Here is page I did using a song as inspiration - a challenge from Lasting Memories # 700:

These pics are part of our Disney trip.  
I am so close to being done with this trip!
I saw this colorful wall and thought it would make a really pretty page.

I used some older papers, die cut leaves and I punched out the flowers.

Off to see what else I can get done today!

Thanks for stopping by!!

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Hello Friend!

 Good morning!  It's going to be a FUN and BUSY day here celebrating NSD!  

I have been looking forward to this for the last couple of weeks and I am more than prepared - photos, adhesive, music and lots of free time.

I was so happy to be able to finish up this page before all the craziness started:

I dug through the stash to find just the right papers, made my own tag, used up some shiny bits and pieces that have been taking up space and added a title using some new Thickers I just bought.

Love the larger photo as I still have a few I want to finish up from the 2022 Disney trip.

I was also able to combine this page with Stacy's Scrappy Friends challenge - Tic Tac Toe:

I used Jewels, Washi and Polka Dots.

One more picture completed and I managed to do both challenges this month!

Time to get some coffee and get ready to scrap all day!

Thanks for stopping by!!