Sunday, December 30, 2018

Polynesian Sunrise

One of my favorite things to do on our Disney vacations is to wake up ridiculously early to watch the sunrise.  Being at the Polynesian Resort overlooking the lake is the perfect place to be.

Here is my page for the White with 1 challenge.
I used some gold borders from the Christmas stash and a gold doily.  I colored in some of the cutouts with a black marker.  

Here is the challenge:

Thanks for stopping by!!


  1. I love watching sunrises and sunsets - these photos are beautiful! Thanks for playing along with us at White ... with 1 :)

  2. It's shinny, perfect for the challenge! You did well! Good luck and thanks for playing with us at ww1 !

  3. Such a bright and vibrant page - well done. Thank you so much for joining in with White … with 1 this month.

  4. Very effective colouring some of the cut outs black. Thank you for joining us at White with One this month x
