Our village has an annual parade throughout the neighborhood gathering donations for our local food pantry. It's put together by our police department and our church. We meet outside the church, dressed in our scariest and wait for our escort. His name is BOB and he is an 8 foot zombie...lol. We were also supposed to be escorted by an antique hearse, but they never showed up. :(
Before we even left the church, the neighbors came out and donated tons of food! We didn't even get started and everything here was already collected.
Bob finally made his way to the church (zombies aren't really fast movers), and we started our parade. Everyone came out to hand off donations to the police officers. To make the parade more fun for the kids, we had a scavenger hunt. We were given a list of the award winning scariest decorated houses and we had to find them. Once we got to the houses, there were candy and goodies for the kids, along with a huge donation for the cause. We had an amazing time! The kids didn't even realize how many miles we walked. The only downside was when the rain came. But even that didn't stop us! Zombies still walk in the rain too!
Afterwards, the church had a little reception for all the parade participants. Neighbors donated juice and home baked goods for everyone. It was a really fun time and all for a good cause!
This picture was featured in our local newspaper. :)
The sketch is from Sketches in Thyme this week. Whenever I see circles, I always think water pages...I don't know why. But I didn't have any, so it took me a while to put something together. This was all done with a hodge podge of goodies from the Halloween box. I printed out the title myself and tore and inked it up.
Thanks for looking!