Monday, September 3, 2018

Comfort Food

Wow!  These storms are crazy intense!!  I had to stop to just watch the clouds rolling through...

Here is another page I put together...

These are a few more fun and yummy pics of our dinner at the 50's Prime Time Cafe in Disney.
I hand cut the elements from pages I printed from a kit by Kellybells Designs.
The buttons were added at the last minute just to give the page a little bit of dimension.

Here is the sketch from Sketch N Scrap:

Off to watch more clouds roll by!

Thanks for stopping by!!!

CSI Case No. 261 - Italy

Storms are really gearing up - clouds are rolling in, it's getting dark.  I'm so happy to have a hobby that doesn't require a lot of electricity - just in

This page took a while to come together.  It's my resolution to Case No. 261 from CSI Case Files.

This one was a bit tricky for me.  I almost caved in and worked on school page, but I stuck to my guns and found some Disney pics to work on.
These pics are from Italy in Epcot.  The colors seemed to work very well with the color palette.

I dug through the box of scraps and pulled out as much as I could (a HUGE goal of mine is to use them instead of storing them!)
The flowers were found in the basket - along with the leaves.
I also added a couple of butterflies.  Hidden between a flower and leaf is an acrylic dot with an owl on it
The Italy stamps were from a sticker set from Nostalgiques.
I also added black marker to the edges of the papers and mats to emulate the doodles on the case file.

So here are my notes from the case:

Diagonal Stripes (papers)
Ledger paper print (scrap behind the photos)
Cat / other animal (butterflies and owl)
Clock (on the journal card)
Stamps (random stickers)

The journaling on the card is in "list form"
(this is such a pathetic stretch of the

The Scheme:
Bright White
Sage Green
Dark Sage Green
Candy Apple Red

Made it before the storm shut down the computer!

Thanks for stopping by!!!

Meeting BB-8

Hello again!
I'm still in "Star Wars" mode.
Isn't BB8 just the cutest little robot??

My inspiration for this page was this sketch from Let's Get Sketchy:

I trimmed the background paper with washi tape.  For the color scheme, I had to break out the Halloween stash.  I found the orange and gray patterned papers in there.
The brads were all from a set from American Crafts.  And I also added some fun acrylic dots.

Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Sketches in Thyme #339

hello again!  We are off to a baseball doubleheader today....squeezing in a quick page.
This was a pretty fast one to work on....

I used a fun background page from a DCWV stack - Zodiac.
I added a little bit of orange mist.
A few pieces of scrap and torn strips and a couple of buttons.

The sketch I used was #339 from Sketches in Thyme.

Thanks for stopping by!!!

Life's a Beach

Happy Sunday!!  This page was started yesterday, and took me almost all day.  But on the good side, my daughter has a homecoming dress, grocery shopping is done and laundry is going.

This page was made for the sketch challenge by Rochelle Spears:

I found some scraps - the polka dot paper strip (the paper challenge in addition to the sketch challenge)
the "sand" paper
the striped paper
LOVE being able to clear out scraps!
The title was so pretty, I had to buy it....years
the seashells are chipboard from Blue Fern - also from years ago.
and of course,  a few hidden Mickeys (made first thing this morning)

Thanks for stopping by!!

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Welcome to the Jungle

Storms are coming through here....I sure wish I was in Disney right now!

Here are some fun pics from the entrance to Adventureland.  I love the scenery and the atmosphere in every land in Disney!

I used this sketch from The Studio Challenges:

I had a hard time trying to figure out how to make that dissected circle, but with my ruler and a steady hand, I think I figured it out.

Thanks for stopping by!!!

Life is better at the Beach

Good morning!!  So happy to have the whole weekend with nothing to do but scrap!! And the beginning of the month brings many new challenges.

I worked on this page last week for the sketch challenge at My Creative Challenges:

Love the colors!
I added quite a few pieces of scraps, buttons, and sea shell stickers.
I used a bit on ink on the edges of my papers too.  And of course, there a couple of hidden Mickeys.

I was inspired by this sketch from My Creative Challenges:

Time to get some coffee and get to work!

Thanks for stopping by!!!